Space Smack!
Space Smack! is a 1 to 4 player party game exploding with chaos and sabotage. Enter into the vast expanse of space and clash in a variety of minigames. In this controller-only game, cooperate or undermine your friends to become victorious! Features 15 minigames!
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Role: Lead Programmer
Team Size: 10 (3 Programmers)
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Time Frame: 5 Months
Release: January 2021
Platform: PC
Roles and Responsibilities
As the lead programmer, I communicated with the Game Designer, Producer, Lead Designer, and Lead Artist to discuss and plan all technical features.
Sprint planning with the other leads
Managed team of 2 programmers
Ensured they knew the direction of the game
Worked with them to break down deliverables into tasks
Discussed the design and implementation of gameplay systems
Updated Hansoft scrum board
Automated Daily builds
Performance Optimizations
Worked on the Menus and HUD
Worked with designers to implement audio
My Contributions
Dynamic Shadows
A problem we had dealt with was depth-of-field. When we would go to pick up objects or drop them, it was hard to gauge how high or low things were and led to constant frustration. Working with the artists, we approached this problem and came up with 3 different solutions that had different results.
Using dynamics lights
An immediate problem that arose is that shadows weren't sharp enough without drastic settings and it would often overexpose the scene
Unreal Engine 4 only has 3 lighting channels and so there would have to be an overlap and objects would start giving off weird shadows
Verdict: Needed a better solution so that we don't have weird shadows or lighting problems
Using blob shadows
It was difficult to get working, but it worked perfectly when we got it there
The benefit of using the blob shadows is that it cast shadows around the objects perfectly, even if they did any rotating
The problem we had here was performance
It had a high framerate when it was single player, but dropped by up to 30-40 frames when you added on even 1 extra player
Verdict: Needed a solution that was better on performance
Using a masking object
The final solution we decided upon was to create sphere mask that we could draw on the ground below the objects, most notably the hands
No performance issues
Did exactly mirror the objects perfectly, but it was passable
Verdict: This is the solution we used as it provided the best balance between performance and performing the job we needed it to do
Menus and HUD
With the small size of the team, I created the layout of all menus and most of the UI seen throughout the game. I worked with the Lead artist about what assets I would need and then implemented them.
One limitation I had for the UI was that it all had to be navigable by a controller only
Main Menu
My main goal on the menus was to ensure that any data set in the options or player selection was persistent throughout the game
Join "Menu"
The designers were having a hard time trying to find a way to teach players how to play the game that was both useful and didn't involve making veteran players annoyed they had to do the same practice every time they played
The join menu was created as a kind of hub for players to practice before they started playing
For players who already knew how to play, they could simply ready-up and wait for the rest of the party before moving on
Players also had the option of choosing from a list of preselected names to help them differentiate themselves in game
Minigame Hub
The minigame hub has 2 modes depending on how many players there are
Single player
Only has access to single player accessible games in a free play mode
Has the option of either free play mode or tournament mode
Tournament mode was a first-to-3-wins mode where a minigame was selected randomly
HUD and Results was a bit different for each game and sometimes was based on how many players there were
Single player and multiplayer results showed different data
For example, in the minigame Risky Rollers, single players were shown time elapsed and multiplayer was show the percentage each player made towards the goal
Post Mortem
What Went Well
The team was able to create a shippable game
I was able to plan deliverables and their due dates with reasonable accuracy
Information flow and teamwork among the different teams improved as the project progressed
I was able to solve most problems that arose, though I had to take several home and they took a few days to solve
Help was offered often to ensure that all tasks were done on time
All teammates were working in-person
What Went Wrong
There was always a bit communication lost between 2 of the teams each sprint
COVID-19 made it hard to get sufficient playtesting feedback due to the game being multiplayer
I took on a little too much work and would often take it home to finish so that the other programmers didn't have to worry about it
There was bit of disconnect between leads when planning later milestones that caused issues with deliverable dates being met or confusion about what team was waiting for a specific feature
What I Learned
On a small team, you can think that you're communicating enough and it still not be enough
It's important to discuss with the team if something is unreasonable or there isn't enough time to do it
Make sure to disperse work so that one person isn't always having to take work home
Planning effectively is important to delivering things on time and making sure that each team has all the tools they need