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Anamolic Engine
The Anamolic Engine is a personal C++ game engine that contains the following features:
2D and 3D Rendering Pipeline
2D Physics System
UI System
XAudio2 Engine
Event System
Debug Rendering
Developer Console
Currently in development: (as of August 2022)
Forward Plus rendering pipeline
General use game framework
Implementing PhysX physics engine
Extending FMOD audio engine
Revamping UI System
Event System
In the creation of a semi-robust Event System, it was important to be able to support function callbacks and pass arguments with them. The Event System uses delegates to handle the invocation of object callbacks and the EventCallbackFunction to handle the invocation of C - like callbacks.
UI System
The UI System that was implemented was inspired the widgets of the Unreal Engine 4.
The UI system contains the following features:
Widgets - The base
Supports Text​ Boxes
Supports Images
Text Boxes
XAudio2 Engine
The audio engine in the Anamolic Engine is built using the XAudio2 API.
It contains the following:
Load WAV files
Play, Pause, or Stop the audio
Set the pitch/speed, looping, volume, balance/pan
Future Work
Since work on the Anamolic Engine is ongoing, the following are features that are scheduled to be implemented:
Add sliders to the Widget System
Add function to support audio effects for the audio engine
Support 3D audio
Implement system for spatialized audio using geometric acoustics
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